The Italian immigrants were important in the US but not the most important part because millions of people of other countries like Argentina and Brasil were migrating to the US too. In 1850 less than 4,000 Italians were reported in the US and four years later the population increase to 44,000.
Their work in Italy had more to do with agriculture but in the US became mostly urban. They work in jobs like shoe shinning, rag picking, sewer cleaning, and dangerous jobs others didn't want. Italians lived in groups according to their place of origin.
The Sicilians lived in New Orleans, the Neapolitans and Calabrians in Minnesota, and mostly northern Italians in California. They lived in filthy conditions but that disappeared with the arrival of new generations of Italians. In the 19th and 20th the Italians became fishermen, shoemaker etc.
Learn about the history of these immigrants did not affect my point of view because I still do not understand why any immigrant has to go through such bad condition and do not live all the same no matter where we come and we do.
Italian 'rag-pickers' with their pickings, in their 'homes'.
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